As we all know, things are great when you have no competition. You’re on top; you’re the best in the industry, hooray!
Then someone comes along to challenge you, then another, then another, until finally, you have to devise a new strategy that makes your business better than the rest.
This is the fundamentals of business competition.
In 2017, top companies are planning to increase the amount they spend on their digital content. Keeping with the old adage, content IS king.
So how do you set your content apart in 2017?
There are a few trends that seem to be making all the difference when it comes to local businesses and their content strategies.
2016 was the rise of visual media. I’m talking about infographics, videos, pictures, anything that triggers one of the most basic senses we have, sight!
Combining these tools with great words can produce the results you’ve been craving.
In 2017, you should not only supplement your infographics and visual media but you should put it at the forefront of your content strategies.
Writing tone is another way you can drive your content and be more successful with a certain niche of people. It’s pretty easy to pick out a writer from The Onion simply by reading one of their articles.
If you take the time to craft a unique tone and voice for your business, it’ll gain you better brand recognition from your followers.
The most important thing to remember is to change your content if it’s not engaging the audience.
Well, what does that mean?
Does your content speak to your audience directly? Are the words smooth and natural, like the way people really talk? Do you use examples of the topic you’re talking about? Are you incorporating humor, jokes, quips, gags, or otherwise any form of comedy to keep them reading your material?
If you answered “no” to all of these questions then it’s time to rethink the way you write content in 2017.